Tagging Service

set the red carpet as a greeting for aurie’s business area. the best spot to uncover your requisition of services and needs!

  1. Payment dilakukan di awal.

  2. Caption dari customer.

  3. Istirahat maksimal 120 menit.

  4. Terdapat jeda waktu di setiap tag.

  5. Wajib memberikan testimoni di akhir.

  6. Sehari hanya menerima maksimal satu slot dengan sistem satu spess satu slot.

  • Half Day 8K

  • Full Day 12K

  • Half Day 8K

  • Full Day 12K

  • Half Day 8K

  • Full Day 12K

happy hours: 09.00 — 22.00

Back-up account:
Spesialist: App Premium/Wording/Layout/CV/…
Duration: Half day/Full day
Hours: (dari jam berapa sampai jam berapa)
Type tag: Cup/Cake/Cupcake
Payment: WRIS
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